Do you want to be your own boss? Are you considering becoming self-employed? Whether you are an aspiring cake baker, handy person, window cleaner, child minder or mobile hairdresser, setting up your own business can be daunting. 

Our Self Employment Project offers personalised support to anyone considering self-employment, those trying to start their own business and newly self-employed people looking to improve and grow their existing business. 

Our aim is to guide, advise and support people on their journey to become self-employed, or improve their existing business. 

Our Self-employment Advisor will help and guide you to consider these important questions.  

  • Is self-employment right for me? 

  • How do I know I have the right skills to start my own business? 

  • What steps do I need to take to be ready to start my own business? 

  • How will I reach my potential customers? 

  • Have I got the right Insurance in place? 

  • Are there other organisations that can help and support me? 

  • How can I be more efficient to expand and grow my existing business? 

 WDH has been successfully providing information, advice and guidance to support tenants into work or training for over 10 years.  

Please contact WDH Community Employment Team for more details and request an appointment. Email [email protected] or call 01977 788825.

Ruth's Journey Episode 1

Follow Ruth's self-employment journey as she decides to get the support she needs to become her own boss. The team help Ruth through each step she will need to take, answer any questions, and help on any concerns she may have. If you were thinking of starting your own business or had a business plan like Ruth but didn’t know what to do next, then contact the team.

Ruth's Journey Episode 2

View the second part of Ruth's journey to see how she got on!